
How to choose the best cannabis strain for growing

how to choose the best cannabis strain for growing

Nowadays, most people especially new growers tend to ask what strain(s) they should search out and try to grow and which is the best cannabis strain for for growing. This is one of the primary rationale why cannabis crowd growing platforms exist that provide answers which vary extensively with location, consumer and conditions.
Cannabis seed strain is the plinth of your entire grow which means to make it big and outstanding in this field, you definitely have to make it right to begin with. Depending on your individual needs and goals as a grower, you need to be aware of the different types of strains to consider and exactly how they will affect your garden and overall output.
This article is to help you achieve the goal of choosing the best cannabis strains for a given geographical area which is not difficult. Several types of cannabis strains do exist with Indica, Sativa and feminized being the basic cannabis families.

A remarkable tall, thin plants, narrow leaves, lighter green colors, grow quick, extend to heights of 20 feet in some cases, cultivated throughout the world and has a flowering time that varies from 10 to 16 weeks which is quite longer than indicas.
The origins of this strain are traced back to Mexico, Columbia and southeast Asia. Taste ranges from earthy to fruity. Sativas are generally great outdoor favorite. More often than not tend to yield a bit less as they are not as bushy as Indicas, but oftentimes are much more potent.

More compact short thick plants, broad leaves, darker green, flowering in 8 to 10 weeks with thick dense flower tops and usually less than 2 meters tall. Flavours from stinky skunk to fruity sweet.
Origins traced back to Afghanistan, Morocco and Tibet. More of a body stone. The best favorite for indoor growers .Heavy yielding.

Genetically modified qualities to produce only female plants. Usually passed on as clones. Female plants mean no energy is wasted creating pollen sacks(male), hence producing only the finest rich, potent, frosty sticky big buds for you.

This is a combination of different Sativa and Indica breeds to produce corresponding traits of each mother and father. Actual percentages each strain will contain is not exact, but pretty close. If you have two favorite strains, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to combine them into one potent super bud? Modern genetics has made this entirely possible.

how to choose the best cannabis strain for growing

The most important thing to realize is the length of flowering time. Indoor strains don’t matter but outdoor maturation would depend on your climate. If you have a short summer then go with a more Indica-dominant strain. Remember, the more Sativa in the mix the longer the flowering time. Some types of marijuana are specifically bred for outdoor, just look at your details. For indoor growing, don’t choose a strain that has been designed to thrive in an outdoor environment.

Sativa stretches the most. Height is usually listed but can be controlled indoors. Light usually does not reach down past 3 feet sufficiently enough. A well grown plant can grow 1 to 2 inches a day. A two foot plant, put into flowering stage will reach just over 3 feet when done maturing in approximately 8 weeks.

Marijuana(especially if purchasing from a quality seed bank laboratory) these days are very potent. Success of course also depends on your green thumb and growing conditions your cannabis is subjected to. To universally maximize the potency of any strain use a hot, dry atmosphere and drop the humidity when flowering.

This all depends on how long you let your cannabis plants vegetate before flowering. Obviously the longer the vegetation period the taller the plants, therefore more yield. Maximum indoor yields come from Indica-dominant strains.

One thought on “How to choose the best cannabis strain for growing

  1. Mark says:

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